Clara Jorisch is a Montreal-based designer and glass artist with a background in visual art. Through material experimentation, she brings a sense of lightness and curiosity to everyday forms. Her work transforms mundane objects into poetic expressions, balancing function with a sense of wonder and contemplation.


2025 To Hold
at Yabu Pushelberg, Toronto, CANADA

2024 Basic Space - Design Miami
at Design Miami/Art Basel, Miami, USA

2024 Maison de verre
at WSA Collectible Fair NY, USA

2024 A public display of affection
at Collectible Fair curated by Rawad Baaklini Brussels, Belgium

2023 Bowery Gothic
with Jack Chiles & Veerle Verbakel, NY, USA

2023 Artisanat Industriel
at Centre de design de l’Uqam, Montreal, CANADA

2023 Bridge
at Verso, Bridgehamptons, NY, USA

2023 part of the group with Galerie Salon
Salon Design Us, Tribeca NY, USA

2023, Maison de verre
with Wanted Design - ICFF, NY, USA


2023 Sexe Désirs et Data
furniture & installation for VR experience
at Phi Center, Montreal,  CANADA

2022 Plastisapiens
furniture & installation for VR experience
at Tribeca Design Festival, NY, USA

2021 Canopé masquée
for Festival International des Jardins de Métis, CANADA